Thursday, June 19, 2014

PHOTO: UNBELIEVABLE; A Feather Growing Out Of A Baby's Neck...

Aaron and Emma Whittington rushed their 7 month-old daughter Mya to the hospital after finding a bump on the side of her neck that was swelling at a rapid rate. Doctor’s admitted
little Mya and watched as a two inch feather forced itself out of the little girls neck.

Aaron Whittington, 26 spoke with and said, “We were just pretty much in disbelief. I was at work and my wife
noticed that the left side of her neck had started to swell, and she called me at work and asked if we should take her to the emergency room.”

The couple decided to wait and see what happened, by the next morning they knew they had to take Mya to the hospital.
“Sunday morning, when we work up, it had doubled in size and there was a pimple looking thing on the end of it.”

“We were looking at it and going, ‘There’s no way this is a swollen gland’.” When Mya was first admitted into the hospital, doctors thought she had a staph infection in one of her lymph nodes.

 However,after attempting to drain the “bump”, nothing came out of it. Several hours later, Aaron Whittington noticed what he thought was a “half-inch string” protruding from the bump. He immediately contacted the doctor to take a look.

“The pediatrician threw on gloves and she pulled out a 2-inch feather and she’s like, ‘It’s a feather.’ And we’re like, ‘What do you mean it’s a feather’?”

“As far as how the feather got into the side of the neck, our doctors say we’ll probably never really know. But her best guess is that she either inhaled it or tried swallowing it and it
got lodged in the throat somewhere, and the body, just being crazy, just started to reject it and force it out the side of her neck.”

According to Aaron Whittington, Mya is “almost 100 percent recovered. We’ve been extremely, extremely surprised” by all of
the media attention. “We’ve gotten stories in Kenya, India, the U.K. It’s really crazy”

Doctors expect Mya Whittington to make a full recovery. They do not expect her to need surgery as they believe her body will heal on its own.

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